Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Welcome Home

Since my last blog post my husband and I welcomed our daughter, Anistyn Renee Robinson, into this world, I turned 23 years young, the holidays for 2013 have came and gone and we have moved back to our hometown.
Anistyn was born on November 30, 2013 at 3:21 PM. She weighed 7 lbs 1 oz and measured 20" long.
2013 was an exciting year and welcoming our firstborn has changed our lives forever and I must say for the better. I know there have been family and friends questioning if we had moved back to Vernal recently and the answer is !!!YES!!! We are excited to be close to family again and I am grateful to have the support of my husband to complete my education. I plan on posting more often, but for now, "That's it folks!". I have a sweet baby girl to tend. :)