1) Anistyn's FIRST tooth is starting to come through. Anistyn will be 8 months old tomorrow! In 4 months she will be a 1 year old. DON'T BLINK is right. She says DAD-DA-DA-DAD often and it makes me wonder when she will start saying MUM. She is a gem and the light of my life.
2) My sister gets married to the love of her life in 25 days! Her fiancé, Richard, has been in our family since 2009. Richard has felt like a brother to me for a long while now, but I am so excited to have him be a part of our CRAZY family permanently. He also has become great friends with my husband and is a wonderful uncle to Anistyn.
3) DENVER. Need I say more? Yes? Okay, I will! My sister-in-law, Rachel, lives in Colorado, so the Robinson's are headed their way for some Water World fun! I can't wait to spend time with our family. I love my siblings.
4) BAHAMAS. My husband and I are going to the BAHAMAS. In case you can't tell, I am excited! I keep calling this our REAL honeymoon, because Yellowstone National Park just didn't cut it. We are going with my brother and sister-in-law, Braden and Whitney. We like to think we are a party bunch. 'We' as in Whitney and I.
5) Growing up I didn't know what I wanted to be. I felt wanting to be a wife and mother was sometimes frowned upon because women are supposed to be empowering now...a CEO, a world leader, running for president...you get my point! I've realized it's okay to just want to be a wife and mother. Now that I have made my first part of growing up dream come true I am excited to start school again. I am also grateful to have the support of my husband.
6) My husband and I are on the hunt for our first home. So far it has been one of the most exciting experiences I have ever had and I would not want to share it with anyone other than my one and only. We have come a long ways since our one bedroom apartment. This man makes our dreams come true!