Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Marriage Is What You Make It

The last few days my husband and I both have said to one another, "I can't believe we've almost been married for one year." A WHOLE YEAR people. My wedding dress is stored in one of my Mom's closets in her home, and believe it or not...ok, BELIEVE IT...I wanted to so badly go put it on yesterday. The closer our anniversary gets the more lovey-dovey I've been acting. You know, those days you just wake up and you just want to squeeze the crap out of your significant other, you text them a million times that day saying I love you over and over again and explaining yourself on how sometimes you don't even seem grateful for them even though you are. Oh, and it doesn't end there. You've totally cranked up the volume on your iPhone while listening to country love songs on Pandora. I'm totally having one of those days, and since Ben is at work and can only text me once in a while I had to jot down my feelings into this blog post.
I hope by now I've made you smile and you're thinking of those days that you feel that way about your significant other. I have always said -Marriage is what you make it- THAT, my the truth. Marriage isn't always rainbows and butterflies. Marriage can also be fights, eye rolling, disagreements, oh and the best one...the silent treatment. I am so excited for our approaching anniversary as husband and wife. I can't wait to share about some of the things I've learned about myself, about my husband and about US on our first year of marriage.